Welcome to the Brown EM Blog, the official blog of the Brown Emergency Medicine Residency.
Our mission: To create high-quality, up-to-date, open access emergency medicine educational content for our residency and the world beyond.
In this space we hope to enable Brown EM residents, fellows, and faculty to publish educational blog posts, podcasts, discussion questions, journal reviews, procedural videos and images, or general musings to share with the medical community.
Comment on your colleagues’ posts, or respond to the comments of others. Question, teach and share. Subscribe to this blog so you know when new posts are up and you can check them out.
This site is a #FOAMed friendly repository of knowledge that we can share with each other and draw from as time goes by.
For medical professionals only; please make note of our disclaimer as the content of purpose of this blog is not meant to be medical advice.
Blog leadership
Resident Content Editors
faculty section editors
Additional Faculty Section Editors:
Brown Sound: Dr. Erica Constantine, Dr. Kristin Dwyer
Clinical Images, Dr. Alyson McGregor
Perusing the Literature: Dr. Tracey Madsen
Medical Student Cases: Dr. Rachel Fowler
Whit-ticisms: Dr. Whit Fisher
Twitter Feed Managers:
Dr. Anita Knopov
Past Editors-In-Chiefs:
Russel Prichard, MD (Class of 2022)
Daniel Coleman, MD (Class of 2021)
Timothy Boardman, MD (Class of 2020) @TJBoardmanMD
Thomas Ross, MD (Class of 2018)
Site Created by: Dr. Thomas Ross (Class of 2018)