Posts tagged Rash

The patient is a 5-year-old female with a past medical history significant only for torticollis who presented to the emergency department with fever, emesis, diarrhea, fatigue, and rash. The patient began having fevers to 102 degrees Fahrenheit five days prior to arrival. The patient’s mother reported that four days ago, the patient began having diarrhea and non-bloody, non-bilious emesis. Two days ago, she began having decreased PO intake, continued fevers and emesis, anuria, and bilateral neck pain. The morning of arrival, the patient’s mother noted a rash on the patient’s back and bilateral conjunctival injection. She brought the patient to her pediatrician’s office, who sent her to the ED for further evaluation and management…

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Dental Pain and a Rash

A 6 year-old otherwise healthy male presented to the emergency department accompanied by his parents. They note that 5 days prior to presentation, the patient developed a rash on his legs which was described as multiple “small red dots” with no other associated symptoms. On further history, they state that they just returned from a hiking vacation to Pennsylvania…

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