Malpractice is a topic that is often avoided in medical training. We arguably spend more time learning to perform once-in-a-lifetime/never-in-a-lifetime procedures than we learn about something that is very likely to occur in our career. According to the American Medical Associations’ Physician Practice Information survey in 2007-2008, 75% of emergency physicians over the age of 55 years old reported having ever been sued. Additionally, 30.9% of emergency medicine respondents reported being sued at least two times, with 109 claims per 100 physicians who responded…
Read MoreEmergency department providers are no strangers to the presence of law enforcement officers (LEOs) through the course of their job duties; they are integral to public safety and often hospital safety, conduct criminal investigations, and assist in pre-hospital care. Despite the frequency of law enforcement in U.S. emergency departments, interactions with providers and staff often presents unique challenges. When faced with a patient needing both medical care and involvement of law enforcement, ED providers can face several conflicts of interest…
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