Tales from LBJ Tropical Medical Center: A Child with Fever and Chest Pain

16-year-old male presented to the LBJ Tropical Medical Center with a complaint of fever, chest pain, body achesmyalgias and sore throat for three days. The patient also endorses diffuse joint pain, particularly in his hands, knees, elbows and shoulder and reports pleuritic chest pain intermittently that has been worsening over past three days. Patient He denies any new rashes. Denies any , bleeding gums or easy bruising. Mother has been giving aspirin every four hours at home without any noticeable relief…

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Rare, But Can’t Miss: Necrotizing Fasciitis in the Pediatric Population

A 14-year-old male presents with right thigh redness and pain. It’s a busy afternoon and you think to yourself, “This will be a quick and easy disposition. The patient probably has cellulitis.” He reports one week of worsening erythema and pain to his right anterior groin. Last evening, he was able to drain a small amount of white to green-tinged material from a small “pimple” that had formed along the medial aspect of his thigh…

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Parental Presence During Procedures

A 7 year-old previously healthy male presents to the pediatric emergency department following a bicycle accident. The child was struck by an oncoming sedan traveling at approximately 20 miles per hour, causing him to fall off the bike onto his right side. There was no head strike or loss of consciousness. On arrival, the child is phonating, has intact peripheral pulses, and a Glascow Coma Scale of 15. He is noted to be dyspneic, with absent breath sounds on the right. You prepare to place a chest tube with supervision from your attending. This is your first time placing a chest tube. His mother requests to stay in the room for the procedure…

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