At the Bedside

Read the HPI and think about the questions on the title slide before watching the video. Put yourself at the bedside of this patient and form your own diagnostic and management plan. Designed to help you actually rehearse what you’re going to say and do at the bedside of a sick patient, keep tuning in each week for the same format but new and high yield Emergency Medicine pearls…

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At The Bedside

Read the HPI and think about the questions on the title slide before watching the video. Put yourself at the bedside of this patient and form your own diagnostic and management plan. Designed to help you actually rehearse what you’re going to say and do at the bedside of a sick patient, keep tuning in each week for the same format but new and high yield Emergency Medicine pearls…

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AEM Early Access 48: Vaccination rates and acceptance of SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccination among U.S. emergency department health care personnel

We hypothesized that groups of ED HCPs with differences in workplace risks might view the benefits of vaccine differently and that vaccine hesitancy would higher in people of color.

The COVID‐19 Evaluation of Risk in Emergency Departments (COVERED) project is a multicenter, prospective cohort surveillance project for SARS‐CoV‐2 infection among ED HCPs at 20 geographically diverse, high‐volume urban U.S. academic medical centers

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