An Interview with Dr. Rich Levitan
Welcome to the new Brown Emergency Medicine Podcast Series
Our new podcast series kicks off with an interview with airway guru Dr. Rich Levitan
This is a new podcast initiative for all things Brown Emergency Medicine, and we're kicking it off with a series of interviews with visiting Grand Rounds professors. For our first, we had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Rich Levitan.
Dr. Levitan is a renowned expert and teacher of emergency airway management. In October we were fortunate enough to speak with him before he presented at Brown Emergency Medicine’s Grand Rounds.
In this podcast (divided into two parts) Dr. Levitan talks about the development of his career, offers his advice for learners, and shares his top airway stories. In Part Two (at the 27:00 min mark) he goes on to discuss his airway device development, including the now famous Airway Cam.
Throughout the interview Dr. Levitan offers nuggets of life advice that will no doubt benefit all – from the newest resident to the advanced practitioner.
Listen now:
We thank Dr. Levitan for visiting Brown Emergency Medicine!