An Interview with Dr. Arlene Chung
Welcome to the Brown University EM Podcast and our Visiting Professor Series, featuring resident interviews with guest lecturers on their careers, their expertise, and their advice for emergency medicine residents.
In this episode of the Brown Emergency Medicine Podcast Series we interview Dr. Arlene Chung, one of our own residency graduates and a leader in the world of Wellness. Dr. Chung is the Associate Residency Director at Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai and holds numerous leadership positions promoting well-being.
Arlene S. Chung, MD, MACM
Associate Program Director
Mount Sinai Emergency Residency Program
Wellness and Resilience Expert
In this episode of the Brown EM Podcast we hear how Dr. Chung rose to become one of the most prominent names in physician wellness. She addresses the issues of physician burnout, physician suicide and discusses some current initiatives designed to foster a supportive culture and maintain resiliency. Find out what Dr. Chung views as some of medicine’s biggest hurdles and hear her advice for tackling them throughout your career.
Faculty content and audio editor: Dr. Kristina McAteer
Technical support: Dr. Thomas Ross and Dr. Tim Boardman
Catch our other interviews and other new series on our new Brown EM Podcast iTunes stream. Subscribe here!