AEM Education & Training: Emergency Medicine Resident Education on Caring for Patients with Disabilities: A Call to Action
Welcome to the 24th episode of AEM Education and Training, a podcast collaboration between the Academic Emergency Medicine E&T Journal and Brown Emergency Medicine. Each quarter, we'll give you digital open access to AEM E&T Articles or Articles in Press, with an author interview podcast and links to curated supportive educational materials for EM learners and medical educators.
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DISCUSSIon(click title to access):
Emergency Medicine Resident Education on Caring for Patients with Disabilities: A Call to Action. Jason Rotoli, MD, Anika Backster, MD, Richard W Sapp, MS, Zachery A. Austin, MD, Czestochowa Francois, MD, Kunali Gurditta, BS, Carl Mirus IV, MD, Cori McClure Poffenberger, MD.
LISTEN NOW: Interview with Dr Jason Rotoli
Dr. Jason Rotoli
Associate Residency Director
Emergency Medicine Residency
University of Rochester
People with disabilities constitute a marginalized population who experience significant health care disparities resulting from structural, socioeconomic, and attitudinal barriers to accessing health care. It has been reported that education on the care of marginalized groups helps to improve awareness, patient-provider rapport, and patient satisfaction. Yet, emergency medicine (EM) residency education on care for people with disabilities may be lacking. The goal of this paper is to review the current state of health care for patients with disabilities, review the current state of undergraduate and graduate medical education on the care of patients with disabilities, and provide suggestions for an improved emergency medicine (EM) residency curriculum that includes education on the care for patients with disabilities.