Posts tagged Institutional Isms
Part 3 - Why It Is So Hard To Change

When we think of basic behavior patterning we think of classical vs. operant conditioning [1]. In 1904 Ivan Pavlov won the Nobel prize in Physiology [2] for his experiments of classical conditioning. In his experiments, he trained a reflex behavior, salivating to food in dogs to salivating to a bell (instead of to food), thereby re-routing a reflex behavior through conditioning. Operant conditioning is a term coined in 1937 by B.F. Skinner to describe conditioning voluntary behavior change based on punishment or reward (consequences) [3]…

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Part 1: “-Isms” and Intersectionality

The CDC definition of health disparities acknowledges the role of “-isms” as significant contributing factors of inequities. Some examples of pervasive toxic “-isms” include: racism, sexism, ageism, ableism, heterosexism (i.e., homophobia), classism, sizeism, and antisemitism. “-isms” are the behavioral manifestation of bias, conscious or unconscious, that reinforce oppression and inequities in our culture. 

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