…The mother changed his diaper again around noontime and noted another large maroon stool. His mother brought him to the pediatrician’s office. Upon showing a picture of the stools to the pediatrician, the patient was instructed to present to the emergency department….
Read More…The differential diagnosis included acute coronary syndrome, CHF exacerbation, pneumonia, and cardiac amyloidosis.
EKG showed sinus tachycardia with low voltage. Laboratory evaluation was unremarkable, with a negative troponin and high normal BNP. Chest radiograph showed bilateral infiltrates concerning for mild pulmonary congestion.
POCUS was obtained….
Academic Springboard: The Chief Resident Position Correlates with Career Path in Emergency Medicine Jaime Jordan Md, MAEd, Laura R. Hopson MD, Samuel O. Clarke MD, MAS, Adam Frisch MD, Anne K. Chipman MD, MS, Mark Curato DO, Adam Janicki MD, MS, Ignacio Calles MD, Jonathan Ilgen MD, MCR, Michael Gottlieb MD
Read More“…Estate Planning for Doctors – Part I
Currently all assets at the time of death are subject to state estate tax (aka inheritance tax - most states have them but not all!) and federal estate tax
- Currently federal estate tax does not apply until estate value exceeds…
Read More“…the learner could have chosen a career in finance. It would have paid more. But someone must do it…we need doctors…so how do you encourage a student or resident to remain motivated, to learn, and to persevere, especially when faced with difficulty?
This post asks us to reflect on what motivates learners, how to sustain motivation, and what kind of students and future doctors we would like…”
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