A Burst of Light on Postpartum Seizure

A 17-year-old female presents via EMS from her boyfriend’s home after a report of two separate episodes of generalized tonic-clonic seizure like activity. She has no previous history of seizures. Per EMS, she was given versed on scene for seizure like activity lasting roughly 5 minutes. She was also febrile to 100.8°F. The emergency department team is unable to obtain a detailed history from the patient and unable to reach the family when the patient first presents to the ED…

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AEM Education and Training 31: A qualitative assessment of emergency medicine residents’ receptivity to feedback

Effective feedback is the cornerstone of competency-based education. The emergency department (ED) is a unique learning and feedback environment. Developing our understanding of emergency medicine (EM) residents’ experiences around feedback will improve resident training and inform EM faculty development programs.

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Fire-related Injuries in Children

“EMS called with a pediatric code in progress from a house fire, approximately 5 minutes out. A 2-year-old female with unknown past medical history was brought in with CPR in progress. History was limited as there was no family with the patient. Per EMS, firefighters were called to scene of a house fire and the patient and her sister were found in an upstairs bedroom, both unresponsive and pulseless…”

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Age Matters: Managing Femur Fractures in Kids

“In one overnight shift on the orthopedics service, our team evaluated three different pediatric patients with the same underlying injury: a femoral fracture. But, the management of all three children was different and the underlying reason for the different management: age….”

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