#SAEM16: Tech Tools for Med Ed

At SAEM 2016 in New Orleans, Brown EM presented a session on this year's top ten apps and electronic resources for medical educators. Here's a quick tour of which tools we think are among the most useful, divided by task type.

Click through below to check them out yourself, and then let us know what you think, or about any of your favorites we may have left out, in the comment section below.

asana.com                Free & premium versions        Web-based, iOS, Android
Project and teamwork management platform

slack.com                Free & premium versions        Mac, Windows, iOS, Android
Team communication tool

trello.com                Free & premium versions        Web-based, iOS, Android
Project and teamwork management platform

basecamp.com                $29/month per organization        Mac, Windows, iOS, Android
Project and teamwork management platform

Active Inbox    

www.activeinboxhq.com        from $3.30/month            For use with Gmail only
Inbox manager                (2 week free trial available)


unroll.me                Free                    iOS only
Email subscription manager        

sanebox.com                From $7/month                Serves multiple email clients
Inbox manager

www.mendeley.com            Free & premium versions        Mac, Windows, iOS, Android
Reference manager

www.dropbox.com            Free & premium versions        Mac, Windows, iOS, Android
File-sharing platform

evernote.com                Free & premium versions        Mac, Windows, iOS, Android
Personal management system

Screen Shot 2016-05-10 at 11.05.57 AM.png

Academic Life in EM    
aliem.com/pv-cards            Free                    iOS, Android (via AgileMD app)
Paucis Verbis reference cards                        Compatible with Evernote, Dropbox

mdcalc.com                Free                    Web-based, iOS
Clinical calculations, equations, decision tools

figure1.com                Free                    iOS, Android
Clinical image sharing

reeldx.com                See pricing on website            Mac, Windows, iOS, Android
Video management platform for clinical education and other applications

toketaware.com/ithoughts-ios        $11.99                    Mac and iOS only
Mind mapping app

www.lucidchart.com            Free & premium versions        Web-based, iOS, other integrations
Flow chart creator and mind mapping


Poll Everywhere
www.polleverywhere.com        Free & premium versions        Web-based, Windows, Mac
Audience response system

doceri.com                Free (iPad), $30 (desktop)        iPad, Windows, desktop versions
Interactive whiteboard

prezi.com                Free & premium versions        Mac, Windows, iOS, Android
Presentation tool

Feedly.com                Free                    iOS, Android
RSS and blog reader    

Read by QxMD
www.qxmd.com            Free                    iOS, Android
Medical journal browsing

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Do you have a favorite tool we haven't mentioned? Tell us about your favorites in the Comment section.

Image credits to Sarah Michael, DO, MS