Posts in Orthopedics
Will Achilles Heal? When Calcaneal Fractures Are Surgical Emergencies

A 20-year-old otherwise healthy male presents to the emergency department for right lower extremity pain after being tackled during a football scrimmage 2 days ago. He thought it would get better over time by taking ibuprofen, but still cannot walk on it…

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Popeye’s Arm Deformity: Too Much Canned Spinach or Upper Arm Injury?

A 37-year-old bodybuilder presents to the ED endorsing right upper arm pain. He is visiting from Virginia, and earlier in the day, he was lifting a suitcase from the baggage claim belt at the local international airport. He heard a “snap” accompanied with sudden sharp pain in his right upper arm. He also notes significant swelling along the middle of his arm compared to the contralateral side…

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